Breaking Tradition: Why You Don't Have to Choose a Local Funeral Director in the UK 

Traditionally, when faced with the daunting task of planning a funeral, most people in the UK instinctively turn to a local funeral director. The notion of choosing someone familiar, close to home, and seemingly trustworthy is comforting in times of grief. However, modern advances and evolving preferences are challenging this norm. Here’s why you don't have to stick to a local funeral director and how exploring beyond your immediate area can be beneficial. 

The Changing Landscape of Funeral Services 

In the past, geographic proximity was crucial due to logistical constraints and limited communication channels. Today, the digital era has revolutionised how we connect and conduct business, including funeral services. Many funeral directors now offer comprehensive online services, making it easier to plan and manage funerals without being physically present. This shift opens a world of options beyond your local community. 

Benefits of Exploring Non-Local Funeral Directors 


1. Wider Selection and Specialisation 

Every family has unique needs and preferences for their loved one's farewell. By considering non-local funeral directors, you access a broader range of services and specialties. Some directors may offer unique ceremonial options, eco-friendly funerals, or culturally specific services that your local providers may not. This variety ensures that the funeral is a true reflection of the departed's life and values. 

2. Cost Considerations 

Funeral costs can vary significantly across different regions. By broadening your search, you might find more affordable options or packages that offer better value for money. Some funeral directors outside of high-demand urban areas might have lower overheads, which can translate into cost savings for you. 

3. Reputation and Reviews 

In an age where online reviews and testimonials are readily accessible, you can gauge the reputation of funeral directors across the UK. This transparency allows you to make an informed decision based on the experiences of others rather than relying solely on proximity. Websites and social media platforms provide ample information on service quality, professionalism, and customer satisfaction. 

4. Flexibility and Personalisation 

Whether it’s a unique venue, specialised transportation, or bespoke memorial services, the ability to choose a funeral director who aligns with your specific wishes can make the experience more meaningful. Our personalised planning feature allows you to record your own funeral wishes, or the wishes of a loved one, and securely stores them for the future. In this plan, intricacies can be outlined; such as venues, transportation, dress codes, and more. When searching for a funeral director without inputting a plan, you can also detail specific requirements, to ensure that our directory provides you with directors who can facilitate these.  

How to Choose the Right Funeral Director 


When opting for a non-local funeral director, certain steps can help ensure a smooth process: 

  1. Research and Compare: Utilize online resources to compare different funeral directors. Look at their services, prices, and customer reviews. As well as our support guides, we have a free-to-use search directory that lists and compares over 6000 directors.  

  1. Ask Questions: Contact the funeral directors directly to ask about their experience, specialties, and how they handle long-distance arrangements. Our site allows you to contact funeral directors that you’re considering via our messaging and phone call services.  

  1. Check Credentials: Ensure that the funeral director is registered with a professional body, such as the National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD) or the Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF). 

  1. Plan Logistically: Discuss the logistics of transporting the deceased and any additional costs that may arise from choosing a non-local service. Many of the logistics involved in planning a funeral can be outlined in our personalised planning feature.  


Choosing a funeral director is a deeply personal decision, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. The rise of digital connectivity and the availability of diverse services mean that you are no longer restricted to local options. By exploring funeral directors beyond your immediate area, you can find services that better align with your needs, values, and budget, ensuring a fitting tribute to your loved one. 

In a time of grief, it’s essential to feel supported and confident in your choices. Expanding your search for a funeral director can provide peace of mind and the assurance that your loved one’s farewell will be handled with the utmost care and respect, regardless of distance.  

You can use our free funeral directory search tool to find and compare over 6000 funeral directors in the UK.  


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How much does a funeral cost? 

How to choose a funeral director 

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